Monday, March 30, 2015

It's Meme Monday!

Things have been sort of busy around here lately. With the weather warming up, we've been outside more which has meant not as much time to play around on the interwebs.

But, I promised Meme Mondays, so I should halfway attempt to keep up with it. Here's my attempt.

It was my birthday yesterday (BOOOO, HISSSS) and "Corvus" made me a card. Little Bastard even told every one my age. WHERE IS THE LOYALTY???

Happy Meme Monday!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Hey, Ditto...

I don't want to alarm you, but there seems to be something stuck in your teeth.

Sorry, Anti-Bully folks, it's not a small child. It's just a stuffed hedgehog! Awws.

Dude, Where's My Balls?

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Dog Shaming, or Confessions of An Asshole Dog?

Corvus is pretty easy to pose, typically. But, add in that magical piece of paper that also captures the interest of the rambunctious terrier sitting nearby, and suddenly it's was like I was asking him to volunteer for a beating. Both dogs were so fixated on that stupid piece of paper, I almost gave up. By the time I got Corvus to sit still WHILE THE PIECE OF PAPER TOUCHED HIM, I was too frazzled to worry about lighting and proper camera settings. I was just trying to keep Ditto from eating the damn paper.. 

Anywho, they aren't great and my editing "skills" are laughable (bite me)... but for our first attempts, they will have to do. The more I think of it anyways, I think they are more like "Confessions of an Asshole Dog" than Dog Shaming. He has no shame!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Many Faces of Corvus

Corvus is a chameleon. But just in the face. He can seriously change expressions so fast it will make your head spin. Bottom teeth out, or just one fang. Ears pinned back, or lazy and floppy? Alert eyes, or grumpy eyes? Or, the elusive HAPPY FACE? He is a dog with a thousand faces.

Too bad dogs playing Poker isn't really a thing. 

I think he'd be a pro at it.

Monday, March 2, 2015

It's Meme Monday!

It's that time again! Time for another Meme featuring Corvus. This is another favorite of mine, and it is wildly accurate. If he were able to speak English, I'm sure this would be one of his top five most consistently used words. He is King Of The Sass, after all.

Want to submit your own Corvus meme for consideration? You can choose any photos from the blog. In the spirit of fairness, let's say Ditto is fair game too. If you can come up with something clever that fits one of my photos, feel free to email your submission to me at Paws Jaws and Wrecking Balls at gmail dot com. (You'll have to do a little decoding there so that the bots don't pick up my email address and send me icky spam.)

HAPPY  MONDAY! Grump on!