Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Crates Are Cruel, You Don't Deserve a Dog!

Yep. I recently found out I was cruel. I was also enlightened to the fact that I am lazy. Ooh, and I almost forgot - I am also selfish. Last, but certainly not least, I should not own dogs.

Why, you ask? Because of one simple fact: I use a crate. 

See, someone posted a video of a dog letting a smaller dog in the house out of it's crate. That's where I stumbled across these brilliant animal experts and their pearls of wisdom.

That's right, folks! Dogs should "rome" and be free, because well hell...they are MUCH better off facing dangers such as electrical cords, ingesting things that are toxic or will cause obstructions, fighting with other dogs in the household, etc, than they are when they are safely and responsibly contained while the owner is away. But I may be giving Rich O too much credit in reading that he meant "free" inside of the home. Maybe he literally means they should be free and "rome" outdoors. If that's the case, then let's add in the dangers of traffic, wild animals, being shot or poisoned, menacing other pets, livestock or humans, being picked up by animal control, drowning, getting caught in a trap or snare, etc etc. I mean, there is literally no end to the potential harm that could come to dogs if they are allowed to "be free." 

But onto the next one. 

As I tried to explain to Marie, crates are an effective and responsible means of safely containing dogs while they are unsupervised. They are a safe haven if utilized correctly, and in fact, most dogs will seek out their crates in times of stress or if they find themselves overwhelmed. Or, in Ditto's case, whenever she wants a nap and doesn't want to be bothered. As I also tried to explain to Marie and the other readers, animal abuse would be me leaving two dogs with dog aggression loose and unsupervised together. 

And that's when this one chimed in to tell me all the things she *thinks* she knows about me just by reading a post on the internet. Oh, no words for this delightful little empty can...

Being that I can laugh at idiots for a short while before I get angry, I made a calm and rational post explaining to her that there is such a thing as breed traits, dog aggression, being responsible, etc etc, but it fell on deaf ears. I bet you're all shocked. That's when I was informed I shouldn't have two dogs because I don't want to set my dogs up to be in a situation where they could harm each other in my absence. Or worse.

I once again try to inform her that it is not a training issue. It is not an exercise issue. It is an issue of safety. Of being responsible. Of loving my dogs enough to want them safe. And I mean, ffs, Ditto LOVES her crate. She has a dog bed, a blanket, a giant Spongebob pillow, a deer antler, a different Nylabone every day, and a stuffed Kong. We swap out the goodies daily so crate time is always fun. Once again, Irma The Dumb is plugging her ears and refusing to believe that I am anything but cruel, selfish, lazy and that I shouldn't have two dogs. *facepalm*

She posted another reply, and I let the catty me come out to play for a bit. 

Don't know if she read it, don't know if she replied. I don't care. I had spent enough time in Animal Rights Land to deal with it anymore. Besides, I had some dogs to abuse, damn it.

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