Sunday, December 7, 2014

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

What gets me in the Christmas spirit? Taunting the Elf-Dogs with ridiculous holiday get ups, of course! Corvus is usually an okay sport, but the elf hat was just TOO tempting to resist. After all, there is a ball of fluff on the end, and we tend to go a little crazy when anything resembling a ball is in plain sight.

Ditto is tricky. You have to sneak up to her without her being able to see what is in your hands, and then get it on her quickly. If the adorning goes smoothly, you have about 45-60 seconds before she begins to tear it off of her, and tries to eat it. I got lucky this time, she was asleep and I had a little more time to get a photo before she tried to eat the elf hat.

This is my Woe face. 

Here's a little trip down memory lane. Last year's *attempts* at a Christmas photo session. It was Ditto's first Christmas with us, and since she was also still pretty new here,  I didn't try too hard to humiliate her. I was trying for a Christmas card photo. We mostly just got bloopers. But still, fond memories.

And what would any photo session of the dogs be without Corvus providing me with his impression of an Anteater. Him and that tongue. It's his trademark. Well, one of them. 

Oh, Anteater dog. I adore you.

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